{{{{{{{{{{Lady Lee}}}}}}}}}}}
Thanks for being here for so long.
Love from a newby
according to the book cults in our midst by margaret thaler singer the practice of love bombing is a common practice in groups who seek to control others.
she states:.
most cults have specific plans for drawing in each recruit.
{{{{{{{{{{Lady Lee}}}}}}}}}}}
Thanks for being here for so long.
Love from a newby
we are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
November 22, 2005 Awake page 14;
Physics professor JW " I learned that Bible prophecy clearly indicates that God's Messianic Kingdom-a heavenly government that will in time rule over all the earth-was installed in 1914"
They then refere to the book "Knowledge That Leads To Everlasting Life" chapter 10. I haven't read that yet.
hhmmmmmmmmmmm what are they going to do?
we are fast approaching the year 2014 which will be 100 years since 1914. what are jw's and the wt going to do if armaggeddon has not occurred by then?
will they come up with a bunch of "new light" to do away with 1914 all together?
will they suddenly announce that jesus came into kingdom power in the year 2014?
I sacasticly imposed this question on my mom who has been a devout JW since 1965 and she said that Jehovah is guiding the WT society so he will let the brothers at Bethel know what changes would need to be made.
One thing that really bothers me is this; to belive in God is awesome, I still do whole heartedly. To believe that God is awesome to have created the universe and everything in it, that's an awesome God. To send His own Son, self sacrificing awesome God? So HOW do current, long time JWs fall for the "New Light" crap? It makes God out to be a jerk who loves to screw around with His creations like they were toys. Like that bad kid on "Toy Story." I remember being 13 in 1973 and beginning to reject the date 1975 in my heart. I knew that the God who created and did all this could not be so horrible as to make newborn babies in 1973-74, only to plan on killing them in 1975 cause thier mommies and daddies were not JWs. I was young but something inside me screamed "NO WAY"
So here we are at another date problem. Knothead you can read the book "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz to fully understand. If you have a PO Box I'll send you a copy. 2014 is 100 years after 1914. 1914 the year that they applied the Scripture "this generation will not pass away and then the end will come" so nobody lives 100 years. 1914 being when Jesus took the throne and is invisibly floating around in the outer atmosphere on a throne. He is just sitting and waitng for everyone to die that was born in 1914 so he can come and put Satan in jail and immediatly recreate the world into a Jehovah's Witness paradise and all us apostates will be dead and the birds will peck out our eyes and our flesh and then our bodies will just dissapear cause many JWs have told me that burying 5 billion dead bodies is not THIER idea of paradise.
Hope that helps
duval student who refused pledge of allegiance, told to leave ...
montgomery county sentinel, md - 30 minutes ago .
... in an 8-1 vote, the court ruled that west virginia violated the first amendment rights of jehovah's witnesses students when they were expelled for refusing to ...
I think pulbic school should leave kids alone as far as religion and politics are concerned .
Me too.
i happened to see a card a few minutes ago from a jw i grew up with to another jw that we grew up with.
all of us are in our 50s now, and we've known each other since we were early teens.. the sister who wrote the card has pioneered for decades.
she's married, but decided to never have kids.
The woe and misery on the earth is the glue that makes the Society tick. Without the pain, misery, death, depression, killing, wars, they got nothing. There can be no bright spot, no positive thinking, no goodness or life in anything but them. That is usually the first aspect to indoctrination we faced. Life sucks and then you die, unless you are a JW you may make it through Armageddon. JW neurosis at it's finest.
duval student who refused pledge of allegiance, told to leave ...
montgomery county sentinel, md - 30 minutes ago .
... in an 8-1 vote, the court ruled that west virginia violated the first amendment rights of jehovah's witnesses students when they were expelled for refusing to ...
I am glad that I am free today to pledge my allegience, and free to not do so. As a JW kid I was not free. I had to NOT salute it or die at Armegeddon. My rights were severely violated further by one grade school teacher. She would make me stand outside while the flag salute was being said, then forget to allow me back in. So there I sat, alone, embarrassed, ostracized sometimes until the recess bell rang so that had to be a couple hours. One day well into the school year a man walked by, I think he was the vice principle. He asked me why I was there alone. After some words with the teacher I was allowed back in. It was a horrible experience. No child should have been made to go through that in a free country. Being a JW kid was torture enough.
ok, if you had to choose between looks and personality, which wins?
guys: if a girl is only mediocre in the looks department but is absolutely fab-u-lous in the personality dept...........which is more important to you?
or are they equally important?
Oops sorry for the typos, need to figure out spell check and "edit"
ok, if you had to choose between looks and personality, which wins?
guys: if a girl is only mediocre in the looks department but is absolutely fab-u-lous in the personality dept...........which is more important to you?
or are they equally important?
Some men love curves...big ladies just need to wait for the right one. I think some bigger ladies have poor self images that put a wall up to some potential relationships, at least I know I did that. We all have a little shallowness inside somewhere I think. My husband and I are probably one of the most unusual couples you will meet. Shallow women passed him up because of his height..he is small of stature. We married a year and a half ago, the ladies that passed him up missed a GREAT man! He was the first to come along in years that peaked my interest enough for even a first date.
Kate~Very happyily married
i just wanted to introduce myself.
i have read many threads here for several years, but never made a commitment to stick around.
tonight i understand why.
What an awesome morning to wake up to all these lovely welcomes. Thank you, every one of you. One said something like "we are all in different stages of healing," that is so true. It has been over a decade since my mind was set free, and still I get triggered emotionaly.
Wishing you all a wonderful day. Life can be beautiful outside the walls of the Watchtower. I'll probably share my story in very small stages. We are survivors and I still get angry for the ones that didn't make it out alive, or whole. You all know what I mean. My best friends. All this suffering in the name of God is what makes me so angry still. Making people think God is requiring them to cut loved ones out of their lives when the bible says that God IS love. God so loves the world that.... love love love but the org managed to convince us that it wasn't about love at all.
As Ellen says; anywaaaaaaaaays...
Thank you again, all of you.
i just wanted to introduce myself.
i have read many threads here for several years, but never made a commitment to stick around.
tonight i understand why.
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to introduce myself. I have read many threads here for several years, but never made a commitment to stick around. Tonight I understand why. After reading topics for a while, I am filled with supressed memories coming back; years of antidepresants, suicidal darkness that I have since overcome, fear, anger, frustration, elders ::cringe::, meetings, door to door service, armagedon, confusion, 1975, persecution, demons, school.........
I really want to stay this time. I'm going to try. There are so many topics here that it kinda brings it all back at once. Feels overwhelming.
Love to all,